BiLa HujaN tuRun MembasaHi buMi..tiTisan air Hujan Itu jaTuh Ke Tanah..
Hati KiTa Boleh DiiBaRatkaN Sebagai Tanah...
1) Tanah YanG suBur...
*iaitu taNah Yang menyeRap aiR huJan...
*umpama hati Yang MeneriMa seAdanya NasiHat dan TauLadan..
2) TanaH YaNg tIdak ada hasil...
*iaitu taNah Yang menyeRap air Hujan tetapi tidak membuahkan hasil(poKok)
*umpama hati Yang menerima nasihat tetapi tidak mengamalkan atau tidak
mempedulikan nasihat..hanya sekadar mendengar..masuk telinga kanan keluar
telinga kiri..
3) Tanah Yang MenakunG air...
*iaitu tanah yanG Langsung Tidak memBenarkan aiR diseRap..
*umpama haTi Yang Degil dimana tiDak akan sesekaLi dipengaruhi oleh nasIhat2
Jadi..mana satu hati kita tergolong???
tanah yg subur?
tanah yg tidak ada hasil?
tanah yg menakung air???
Monday, January 31, 2011
TaNah IbaRat HaTi...
Posted by jaRi jeMaRi at 7:43 PM 0 comments
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Sunday, January 16, 2011
maNusia oH maNusia
Manusia hari ini suka sangka-sangka
Ada sangkaan baik...
Ada sangkaan buruk...
Org beribadah disangka riak
Org yg relax disangka malas
Org yg pakai baju baru disangka menunjuk
Org yg pakai baju buruk disangka hina
Org makan banyak disangka pelahap
Org makan sikit disangka diet
Org baik disangka buruk
Org buruk disangka baik
Org senyum disangka mengejek
Org masam disangka merajuk
Org bermuzakarah disangka mengumpat
Org diam disangka menyendiri
Org menawan disangka pakai susuk
Org nampak ceria disangka membela
mana tahu yg diam itu kerana berzikir kepada
mana tahu yg senyum itu kerana bersedekah
mana tahu yg masam itu keranan mengenangkan dosa
mana tahu yg menawan itu kerana bersih hati dan
mana tahu yg ceria itu kerana cergas cerdasnya
Jauhi sikap suka bersangka2 kerana ia bakal
memusnahkan ukhwah seperti musnah nya kayu
dimakan api...
satu benda yg kita lihat, macam-macam kesimpulan
boleh kita buat. semuanya bergantung bagaimana
kita melihatnya
p/s : paste je ni..Posted by keroncong nurani
Posted by jaRi jeMaRi at 10:36 PM 0 comments
ALLAH sends us failure so we can be humble…
HE takes everything away from us…
So we can learn the value of everything we have…
ALLAH wills either gives you what you ask or…
Something far better than what you wished…
Keep on praying and be thankful because
ALLAH answers are wiser than our prayers…
Things in life move with twist and turns…
They happen with valid reasons…
So if you doubt why something happens to you, stick to this:
“ We can never learn to be brave & strong if the only thing in this world is happiness”…
Not everything that makes us happy is right…
But for sure, there will come a time when…
Everything that is right will make us happy…
Leave something for ALLAH…
But never Leave ALLAH for something…
Because in life…
Something will leave you but ALLAH will always be there for you…
Posted by jaRi jeMaRi at 1:29 PM 0 comments
If you're in a bad mood...huhu
i dont have to talk much, as at times no matter how hard we may try, our looks do tend to show what we are feeling from within, no matter how mcuh we may smile, that smile will not be the same and will be recognized by everyone, as a put on, at least those people who are associated with you. I prefer to remain to myself till that mood swing or phase is over,and i dont take very long to get back to normal again !! BUt yes i dont fight or argue etc,with anyone whom i may come across during a bad mood, as why should they bear and go through, if i am in a bad mood, for no mistake of theirs. But i guess, at times we do tend to indirectly, unknowlingly hurt the people we love the most or are closest to, we shouldnt, we try not to, but sometimes it does happen...
Posted by jaRi jeMaRi at 1:27 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 15, 2011
sTart it !!!
muLai detIk nie aQ akan meNceRitaKan KesEmua nya Yang berlaku dalam hiDupKu..
akan Ku Jadikan Blog iNi SebagaI diaRyKu..huhu..
bY tHe Way..aQ baru je BaLiK daRi TriP KL..
mcm2 teMpat KaMi p..
p isTaNa buDaYa..
aStaNa digiTal..
Yang BesT nyA...
HuBunGan SeSama Kami SangaT RapaT..
Sem 3 DTEI sGt2 SuPeRBBB!!!!
LoVe You All..
nie GamBar2 SepanJang Kami Di Sana...
Posted by jaRi jeMaRi at 11:49 AM 0 comments
Single liFe bettEr or NoT???(^_^)
There are some people, if you are honest, that are better off single. You may be one of them. If you keep finding yourself single and you are actually happier when you are on your own then when you are in a relationship, you may be a better single person than a person in a relationship. If you take an honest look at your life you may find that the single life really does suit you better.
You are probably better off single if you are independent. If you like to do your own thing and you don’t want to answer to anyone. It’s okay to be independent, but if you don’t want to have to be accountable to anyone and you don’t want to have to worry about what someone else wants or needs from you, the single life will suit you much better.
You are better off being single if you are materialistic. Some people love material things…a lot. There is nothing wrong with this if you are honest about it. If you are a very materialistic person and you like things more than you like people, you need to consider being single and just dating people. If material things are important to you, accept it, admit it, and embrace it but don’t try to hold down a relationship.
You are probably better off single if you haven’t recovered from a past relationship. The worst thing you can do when you haven’t recovered from a past relationship is to jump into a new one. You need to give yourself time to heal. If you jump into a relationship now you are going to be doing it with all of your heart and soul. You owe it to yourself as well as to the people that you will date to be all in.
You are better off being single if you don’t like commitment. When you are in a relationship the other person is going to expect you to be committed to them and to your relationship. If you don’t want to be committed to a relationship you are better off being on your own or dating very casually. If you do date you should be honest about your inability or dislike of commitment so the person does not get the wrong idea about what you want from the date.
As you can see, some people are just better off single. There is nothing to be ashamed of, not everyone is built to be in a relationship and other people simply are not ready. You cannot force the issue, if you are better off being single you should embrace the single life and enjoy it. There are definitely benefits to being single, so if that what works for you right now, enjoy it!
Posted by jaRi jeMaRi at 10:39 AM 0 comments