PandanGaN aQ naNti dalaM enTry seTerUsnYa..."DuLu,KiNi daN SeLaManYa..(MiNe)..
baRu-baRu nie aQ ada pOst TenTang "DuLu KiNi DaN SeLaMaNya.."
aQ nak Tahu PanDanGan SoWanG2 tenTang Hal nie..
niE diaNtaRa YanG memBeRi PanDanGan Masing2...
He said: kekal xluput dek zmn...relevan mgikut p'edaran msa...xluput dek hujn, xlekang dek pns...(tul ke pribhs aq ni...)tu jek kot...
He SaiD : mmmm...yg baik jd kn teladan yg buruk jd kn iktibar,
She SaiD : dulu, kini dan selama....menunjukkan kesetiaan sesuatu yg xberubah...
He SaiD : 1)slogan "dulu,kini dan selamanya" dah diganti dgn slogan "sejahtera, aman dan makmur" pada tahun 2008... hehehhehe
2)tukarlah.. acu bubuh ' Cemerlang, gemilang dan terbilang'.. pah ngujung bubuh skek..' temberang'.. heheheh
ShE SaiD : pe mksdnye??x fhm..muehehe ^^
He SaiD : benda yg xpenoh brubah sejak dari mula ia tjadi shingga akhirnya..tpi "dulu,kini,dan selamanya" bknnye peribahasa..ayat org jah hor~
She SaiD : "dulu,kini dan selamanya",xkan brubah..huhu
He SaiD : knape ad dlu..sbb ia bley wt kn kte igat ap yg da blku kt kte dlu...knpe ad kini..sbb mse ini la kte mahu mncorak kn pe yg kte impikn pd mse akn dtang..knpe ad slme ye...sbb bnde itu akn wt kte sllu igat ia wat slme2 ye...itu sbb ad ye dlu,kni dan slme ye....bnde nie la yg akn bercorak dri kte...ok...cnth ye ksih syg kte...^_^
She SaiD : trimo lagu2 mano pum walau ape pn jd, pehe dok kok klate?? huahauhua
He SaiD : dulu islam,kini islam dan selamanya islam....TAKBIR
He SaiD : komen...
He SaiD : dulu, kini, slamanya kereta malaysia akan mahal!
He SaiD : klu xde dulu,kini xkn wujud dan dengan adanya yg sedia ada kini akan berlaku perubahan dari semasa ke semasa hingga selama-lamnya...
Thursday, March 24, 2011
DuLu KiNi DaN SeLaMaNyA...(OPEN)
Posted by jaRi jeMaRi at 12:07 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 20, 2011
gaMe PaNaS!!!
aDeiyaiii...paNas GiLaK GamE kaLi Nie..FeLda gaNaZ2 siuT..
beRgoMo AtaS PaDaNg..
rEfRi PlaK BeRaT NaNanG...
PaDaN MuKa..
PeNyOkOnG TaK LeH SaBaR KoT...
KeNa aRRR..
"ReF GiLo! ReF GiLo!"
LuCu wEh......
TaK peRnaH aQ teNgok SiTuaSi MaCam nIe...
PapePuN..MeMaNg BesT GaMe niE..
FeLDa diHaLaU keLuAr..
"KeLiK FelDa KeLiK!"
niCe soUnD....
Sapa SuRuH MaIn JaHat SanGat Kan...
HambiK ko.....
KeNa SetePeK!!
FaMiLy aQ saNgguP tuRun dari PenanG..
meManG GoMo ahh seMalaM...
bertOlaK kuL 1.30pm..sampai stadium kul 8.00pm..
jem yaNg terUk...
TaPi beRbaLoi2..(^_^)
Posted by jaRi jeMaRi at 10:02 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 19, 2011
5 H unTuk ReMaJa YanG meNyeSaLi DaN MaHu InSaF..
"H" perTaMa - HaTi YanG Kuat,PiLLinG la denGaN KaLiMah ALLAH..
- IbaRat PePatah
"BeSi DaN Kayu BoLeH meMaTaHkaN TulaNg-TulaNg ku..
TeTapi,TiDaK BoleH MeMatAHkaN HaTi Dan SeManGaTku.."
"H" keDua - HaMpiRi OraNg-OraNg YanG PosItiF
- SeNtiasa memBeRi NasihaT
"H" keTiGa - HiNdaRi RemaJa YaNG neGatiF
- DaRi SeGi > TinGkaH Laku Nya
> PeMiKiRanNya
> FesYen PaKaian
> KaWan-KaWan YanG Lama (-)
"H" KeeMpaT - HaJat (MatLaMat)
- JaNgan Jadi sePerTi KapaL YanG berLayaR,
teTapi TiDak Tahu diMaNa MahU bErLAbuH..
"H" keLiMa - HiJraH
- pErlu MemBuat perUbaHan Pada Diri..
- SeTiaP 1 PengHijraHan PasTi diTemaNi DenGan 1 RahMat ALLAH YanG LuaS..
Posted by jaRi jeMaRi at 2:01 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 18, 2011
Winter Sonata MV - My Memory
genap 4 tahun Chuah Ghuo Zhen...
dia pergi untuk selamanya........
rest in peace.......:-(
Posted by jaRi jeMaRi at 1:55 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 17, 2011
tHe ReAson WhY i LoVe YoU...
“I love you,
Not only for what you are,
But for what I am
When I am with you.
I love you,
Not only for whatYou have made of yourself,
But for whatYou are making of me.
I love you
For the part of me
That you bring out;
I love you
For putting your hand
Into my heaped-up heart
And passing over
All the foolish, weak things
That you can’t help
Dimly seeing there,
And for drawing out
Into the light
All the beautiful belongings
That no one else had looked
Quite far enough to find.
I love you because you
Are helping me to make
Of the lumber of my life
Not a tavern
But a temple;
Out of the works
Of my every day
Not a reproach
But a song.
I love you
Because you have done
More than any creed
Could have done
To make me good
And more than any fate
Could have done
To make me happy.You have done it
Without a touch,
Without a word,
Without a sign.You have done it
By being yourself.
Perhaps that is what
Being a friend means,
After all.”....
“If I never met you, I wouldn't like you. If I didn't like you, I wouldn't love you. If I didn't love you, I wouldn't miss you. But I did, I do, and I will.”
“Love isn't finding a perfect person. It's seeing an imperfect person perfectly.”
Posted by jaRi jeMaRi at 8:34 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 14, 2011
Minggu Aktiviti Pelajar
tengah tunggu main galah panjang ni..hehehe...
selepas perbarisan..kita snap dulu..ambik semangat..hahaha
sweet jer main ngn team lain..kecuali satu team jer..
bukan ape..agak kasihan la..
siapa yang ada time game tu...
tahu kisah sebenar..
bukan semua orang disitu tak da mata kan..
pa pe pun..
the best team...ada 3 team yang best..elektrik,awam dan mekanikal..
love your team....
Posted by jaRi jeMaRi at 1:58 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 12, 2011
DeKaT taPi JauH..
Bila Hujan membasahi bumi...
hari ini dari pagi sampai sekarang hujan..
mau nya tak layan perasaan..touching..ingat kenangan2..pikir masa depan..
bukan nya nak isi masa dengan study..
ni idop...pikir hok mende lain..agak2 la cik maya weh!!!
aQ majuk sebenar...
"dekat tapi jauh"..???
tiba2 ja kan kuar tajuk nie...hmmmm....
ye la...kalu dok jauh..tahu dah memang jauh....
ni dok dekat tapi terasa jauh..
better dok jauh kan??..
tapi tak leh kata gitu ugok...
mungkin ada comitment lain yang membuatkan situasi nie terasa jauh..
admit it..
bagi aQ yes la terasa jauh...
dah aQ tak da comitment lain..keja dok depan laptop jer..
mau nya tak boring pastu pikir bukan2..
"dekat tapi jauh la"..."di abaikan la"..
matang sikit mek oii...
hang ni tak da keja...just study ja..tak da comitment lain..
masa hang nie banyak terisi ngan menda yang da memberi faedah..hahaha
bo la pikir mugo lain..
tolong fahami situasi orang lain....
if aQ fahami situasi orang lain..
adakah orang lain fahami situasi aQ????
nie jer persoalan aQ.....:-)
Posted by jaRi jeMaRi at 2:10 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 11, 2011
My Sis E-day..
location: umah aQ
tarikh : 13/2/2011
agak2 bila yea giliran aq plak..hahaha(gelenya)
x muat rumah dah aq rs...penuh2..Jammm!
kejap je kan..tiba2 status bertunang kepada tunangan orang..x da can dah la ko nak tackle orang lain..hahahah..noti siut(^_^)
ni la...majlis akak aq...gila ramai ah..baru bertunang..bkn kawin!!
Posted by jaRi jeMaRi at 3:38 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 10, 2011
LeWat p KeLass
Ok, macam biasala kalo kelas mula start pukul 8.00 pagi, apa perlu kita buat? mestila bangun pagi kan?? tapi takkan nak bangun pukul 8 pulak, jesteru itu aku dengan bijaknya mengatur alarm clock didalam henpon yang mempunyai pelbagai ringtone yang best.. aku tetapkan alarm mula dari pukul 4.30 pagi... sambung 5.00 pagi... sambung... 6.00pagi dan terakhir pukul 6.30 pagi... dan setiap hari pun aku akan bangun pukul 6.30 pagi... haiiizzzzz... telingga aku dah masuk air agaknya... sebab bunyi alarm yang lain, cepat2 aku off silent dengan automatik.
Lepas bangun semayang subuh... aku.... macam biasa....
Aku tau.... bukan aku seorang je yg penah wat cam nie... korang pun kan? kan3?... alaaaa iyekan jela... hehe, kalo tak ... teruskan amalan tu. Ok , aku teruskan.... lepas aku sedar balik.....
Antara punca lain pada masa yang sama setiap kali nak ke kelas, sukarnya nak hidupkan moto!... adala dekat 10 kali try and error baru boleh... pastu dio mapus pulok..(lepas tu dia mati balik).. Bila moto dah berjaya dihidupkan, pee lagi.... pecut la!...
Pastikan bila korang sendiri datang lewat ke kelas dan tiba nak masuk kelas... jangan nervous.... jangan panik dan jangan terlalu excited... sebab korang tak tau lepas ni apa yang akan berlaku. seelok - elkonya korang sediakan kata-kata manis yang rasional untuk dijadikan bahan bantuan.
Nasihat yang berguna : jangan bangun lewat ke kelas atau anda akan dilewatkan ke kelas...
Soklan : Apakah yang mungkin untuk kita bangun awal ke kelas?
Statement : Pernahkah anda lewat ke kelas dalam sejarah yang memalukan?
copy dari:
Posted by jaRi jeMaRi at 11:16 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Do YoU meRajuK wiTh YoUR LovE One??
If you are a Malaysian, you would do good to read Sri Delima’s collection of articles from her columnist stint with NST many years ago. You’d probably heard of it — ‘As I Was Passing’ as MPH recently republished the book into two series. ANYWAY, one common Malay phrase that was in the book stuck with me for years. “Merajuk pada yang sayang”. Malaysians would know and understand ‘merajuk’ in every sense of the word. In English, the closest definitions would be ’sulk’ or ‘pout’, which in my opinion are insufficient to convey the essence of ‘merajuk’.
Children sulk and pout when they do not get what they want. Adults merajuk when they do not get their way, maybe in a community service meeting and someone they do not like gets elected as head or something. Lovers, especially those in the female position merajuk for no reason, because they can. Forgive my conventional thinking, but it is their prerogative and the world just got to live with it.
But as Sri Delima puts it, merajuk pada yang sayang; meaning that the third category of merajuk-ing is only reserved to those who love you. Simply put, you do not go up to a stranger or someone you just know and merajuk with him or her. It sounds like an unfair move — why put your loved ones through this misery and make them go through the (sometimes impossible) trouble of cajoling you? Again, hey you chose to be with this person, grit your teeth and live with it.
When the female merajuk, the male is tasked with the responsibility of cajoling her. In Chinese we call it ‘hong’ (å“„), direct translation is to ‘deceive’, to ‘coax’ or ‘cajole’. In Malay, when someone merajuk, you would ‘pujuk’ them. The recent KFC advertisement announcing the availability of ‘kuah sate’ is a perfect depiction of a wife merajuking, with the husband responding in all the appropriate dulcet tones.
A person can sometimes merajuk for no apparent reason. This does not mean that there is anything wrong in the relationship, or that she is thinking of breaking up with you, or that she has fallen out of love with you, or that she has met and decided to be with another person. As a friend of mine puts it, in this case, merajuk is a very manipulative action — you do it to manipulate the other person to come coax, cajole and placate you. I suppose it is a type of ‘emo’ (emotional), though in this context the person who merajuk seldom come out of it by him or herself.
And apparently this a very Asian in Asia thing to do. Because I have tried very hard to explain the concept of ‘merajuk’ to non-Asians, and they seem to have a difficult time understanding it. Cultural differences, I guess.
p/s: Yup. I always merajuk just because I feel like merajuk-ing. For no apparent reason. Yup. I am the typical example! But there are positive and negative merajuks. Positive is merajuk to spice up the conversation/activity. :P
Negative one is really merajuk(could be due to bad mood, some reason that the bf is too insensitive to see etc) and if nothing is done, then I will get angry. But most of my merajuks are negative one. Hohoho. Tralalala~...sorry
Posted by jaRi jeMaRi at 3:15 PM 0 comments