

SiaPaKaH AkU??


Saturday, September 22, 2012

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Treat her like shes more than you want.. More than you could ever dream and more than she thinks she is... Like she's everything you've ever wanted.. Make sure you speak to her sweeter and love her deeper be true and be kind she's more than just a girl... She's and angel without wings, she's the sweetest thing in the world and is more precious than a thousand roses... girls never frown because you never know when someone is falling in love with your smile, Let her know you care let her know by doing something special for her call her every night just to make sure everything alright and to remind her you still care.. always wish her the sweetest dreams... When she cries let your shoulder be the first she rests her head upon, and cry with her, letting her know shes not alone, when she laughs let you be the first to hear her, when shes down help her laugh but most of all guys... when you tell her you love her let her see the tears in your eyes.

The TruTh!

copy n paste it! When a GIRL is quiet, Millions of things are running in her mind When a GIRL is not arguing, She is thinking deeply When a GIRL looks at u with eyes full of questions, She is wondering how long you will be around When a GIRL answers "i'm fine" after a few seconds, She is not at all fine When a GIRL stares at you, She is wondering why you are lying When a GIRL lays on your chest, She is wishing for you to be hers forever When a GIRL calls you everyday, She is seeking for your attention When a GIRL sms's u everyday, She wants you to reply at least once When a GIRL says I love you, She means it When a GIRL says that she can't live without you, She has made up her mind that you are her future When a GIRL says "i miss you", No one in this world can miss you more than that. by Rian

NeW liFe HeRe!

Al kisahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....Alhamdulillah...dapat sambung belajar ke tahap seterusnya iaitu Bachelor in Technology Engineering Electrical ( Automation Industry & Robotic...syukur Ya Allah....nampak gaya nya 4 tahun aQ disini...insyaAllah...try aim high...secara jujur,bosan gak dok sini..tak de kawan2 yang dapat ikut sambung belajar same2 kat sini....rasa keseorangan gitu....tapi tak ape...akan ku tetap tabah dan cekal kan hati ni! wah! harap2 semua dapat sokong aku...sangat2 memerlukan sokongan dan perhatian...tolong la jgn wat dunno je kat aku..birai2 ngan aku...dah ar dok jauh sorang2 sini..harap faham situasi aQ... harap sangat2 berjaya disini tanpa sebarang masalah..amin...
ni masa aQ dalam lab digital...urusan pengecualian kredit masih lagi diproses..hope sgt x tak payah ambil dah subjek ni...aku malas dah nak ambik..hahaha