If the love is forcing the career down and makes life so miserable, then that not really love. The love is not real. And if the career is keeping you from your love, and fear to lose a job, and have lot of overtime, its time to change career.
But How will balance them??
Having career first really gives us a sense of accomplishment and self worth. Aside of handling responsibility like paying bills. Elevating their career to a level of great important int their lives.
I will pick Career before Love for I have to be sure that I am financially stable so that i will be able to finance my needs, save for my emergency purposes & have a financial stability for the sake of myself & my future family. Love for me will come at the right time & right reason if I am not meant to be with someone then be it than being with someone & have nothing to use in case I am in need.
we have a point. Now a days many people focus on career first and family later. May be the reason for this is that while we are young, we have a lot time and energy to fulfill and concentrate our self to a career.
so is it love and career are interrelated? A true love will understand one's career. But we should not expect the career will understand too. actuallyit is both equally important. We can't live without career,and we can't be happy without love.So for me,I think career is more important to the people without lover.Of course,it's ashamed to abandon your love for career.
If i have to choose one then i will choose both because with out love my career is nothing and without career my love is useless so i will choose both.Choosing both, need to find a work life balance that allows us to experience the joys of love and maintaining a successful career, from this we can find happy and rewarding life. Family can help us to celebrate every success of our achievement in out career,and give us more confidence to face failures.
but there have another point of view in which if I would definitely choose my career...If the love forcing the career down its not really a love.A love should understand,a love should not be the hindrance of one's career ..Career and love must unite to a successful YOU.In my point of view, if the love is true no matter what you do he/she had to cooperate and stay with you..otherwise its no use and no truth.Now I'm happy with my career and if the love will be the hindrance of my achievements, i would leave the love behind and pursue with my career. agree with this statement??
Love is like a pet; it dies unexpectedly, it doesn't speak a language we understand, sometimes it's sloppy, and sometimes it's cute, but it's rarely something that you would stake your life on.
Work on your career. Get your life in order. Real career opportunities are far and few in between. Men, on the other hand, are everywhere...yup, so the conclusion is Career for me is my most priority but i don't know about all of you..you name it as u mean it..isn't it?
Monday, April 26, 2010
LOVE or CAREER? Which will you PICK? ...
Posted by jaRi jeMaRi at 1:25 AM
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if my luv 2 sum1 never ends, n seems it hard 2 forget,wut shud i do to let it go ma dear??
maya..kdg2 bile ak pntingkan dia dalam pape hal,dia cam xbt bnd yg same kat ak..kalo nk ikotkan,ak mmg cpt trase...even bnd yg kcik skalipun,ak trase..dua hari lpas,hari rabu mlm,ak mtak tlg dia aja wiring,sbb ak igt2 lupe..dia ckp dia nk trn jmpe mira jap,pastu nt dia aja,ak tgk la dlu sdiri sket2..fine,ak ckp,xpe la,org blaja ngan org laen..dia ckp, tnye la dlu org laen,nt dia aja..
ak trn dm mlm tu,ngan krol,smbil tgu fariq trn..ak mtak tlg fariq aja..kul 10 lebey ak nmpk dia kuar g dpn..pastu msuk blik pas bli beger..xlame pastu ak naek,pas fariq aja..ak pon xnk dok lame2 kat situ..
point ak kat cni..kdg2 ak terpk..npe bile org laen yg ajak dia trn,mtak dia aja,dia sng jwb ya..sdgkan ak,ssh sgt..ak mtak dia aja je,xlebey dari tu..ak xjeles maya,tp masa ari rabu ptg,yg ko dtg amek layout tu, sblm ko dtg tu,en shukri suro g lab wiring bka pojek wiring..dia xg..ak g sorg2,bt sorg2..n ak xkesah sbb ad gk yg bt sorg2..tp bila dia g jmpe ko untuk diskus pojek digital,ak xtaw nk kate pe..kat mane komitmen dia untuk keja bekumpulan..sdgkan,untuk bt pojek bekumpulan,dia kol je ak suro g,ak tros g..mgkin ak terlalu ikotkan perasaan smpi ak luahkan sume ney..
ak,krol,ieqa,echah n daus g rantau sabtu 2 mggu lpas..ak xajak dia sbb taw dia nk kuar ngan mira..tp bila ktorg balik,taw2 dia xkuar pon..ak takot dia trase..sabtu lpas tu,ktorg plan lagi kuar g kb,ajak dia ngan daus gak..kali ni echah,ieqa ngan krol xley join sbb xda duit..ak bgtau dia yg ak xjd kuar gak kot sbb dorg bertiga xikot,so ak rase xsdap nk jalan ngan dia n daus..hmm..pastu dia ckp xjd xpe..ak tgk dua tiga kali msj tu,dia cm trase..ak dcide,ak ajak dia kuar mkn..dia ckp ok,ak tggu kt kb..maya,bila ak pk balik,npe sng sgt untuk ak bt sume tu kat dia,sdgkan dia xbt camtu kat ak..ko ingat x yg masa ko dtg diskus nk bt repot wiring? ak xtaw knape,dia xckp byk ngan ak..same la slps2 tu pon,dia byk diam kalo jumpe kat kolej..kalo dia rase nk ckp byk,dia ckp..kalo x dia diam..tiap kali trun stdy,ak akn bwk teman,sbb ak taw dia da ad awek..ntah la..ak xmtak balasan pape..ckuplah kalo dia taw pe ak rase..n ak taw,ak kna ubah prangai ak..lupakan dia,anggap dia sebagaimana dia anggap ak sbg pe..
sume yg sk tulis ney bkn sbb prasaan ak ske kat dia..tp atas nilai seorang sahabat yg slame ney,ssh sng bsame..skt pening sume tu..
bkn cinta yg ak mtak..bkn kaseh syg,,penghargaan dari seorang sahabat..
syg..i'm really sory....aq x tau pun time tu u ngn dia ptut g wat wiring..dia x gtau aq..sory yg...sedih sebenar dgr crita ko..aq phm..sebagai kwn,dia patut respect ko..susah senang bersama2 dulu...tiba2 bertukar..if aq jd ko pun..aq terasa yg...so what should u do????
ak ad gtau dia pasal bnd ney..tp dia relate ngan dlu,dia ckp nape ak seorg yg sgt rapat ngan dia,xley blaja ngan dia..xley dpt result tinggi cam dia..sdgkan ko yg xbape rapat ngan dia bole mtak dia aja..ak xkesah dia nk mara ak cam hape,tp ak xnk dia tgi sora kat ak dpn public..ak taw,ngan ak dia sgt tegas sbb nk bentuk ak..ak phm yg tu,dan ak xkesah kalo dia nk bt camtu..serius..tp ak xley dia tgi sora dpn org ramai..sdgkan ak jga maruah dia..
maya..ak ney permata ke kelapa bg dia...
ak xtaw nk kate pe da maya..
dia ad tnye ak, ak nk tgk dia ngan mira putuss ke baru ak puas at..mase tu ak betekak pasal mira..
sumpah maya,ak tgk dia hepi,ak xpnah terpikir camtu..ak nk tgk dia hepi..
pedihnya la..
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